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Our Credo

Committed to Excellence


I. We must commit to achieving success and excellence while maintaining integrity, honesty, trust, and respect.

II.  We must always treat others with respect and honor, free from discrimination, regardless of their race, gender, religion, natural origin, or physical condition.

III.  We shall be generous with our own time and resources in order to contribute to the positive progression of humanity  

IV.  We must commit to apply what we are learning in order to establish prosperity for ourselves and others

V.  We must demonstrate a clear priority for affecting positive change over the accumulation of wealth

VI.  We shall strive towards a higher level of education that promotes free thinking without oppression

VII.  We will give our fellow man the benefit of the doubt, free from judgment to strengthen and promote trust within our social and business communities 

VIII.  We must be willing to graciously accept the mistakes of others 

IX.  We shall teach and mentor others in the principles of this credo 

X.  And above all, we must practice the golden rule and show love and respect to our fellow man